The doctoral program has an average duration of four years. It is registered in the CONACYT, so that every student accepted by this program will automatically has the CONACYT Scholarship.

Objective: To train high-level researchers in the area of automatic control, and carry out original works of theoretical or applied research.

Entry profile: Graduates of a master's degree in engineering, physics, mathematics, or related areas. Passion for research, independence and self-management skills are required.

Graduate profile: Experts with a clear and broad panorama of the practical state of our specialty, with a deep knowledge of the subject developed in their thesis.


Graduate requirements:

  1. Comply with the study program with a minimum average of 8.0 (excluding grades for thesis work)
  2. Have a minimum of 40 credits obtained by courses, at least 30 credits must correspond to courses of 10 credits.
  3. Pass the pre-doctoral exam
  4. Have accepted one publication of the results of their work in an international journal with arbitration or two publications in important international congresses
  5. Pass the final grade exam.
  1. Final Master's Degree Certificate
  2. Bachelor's degree
  3. Bachelor examination certificate
  4. Final certificate of bachelor's studies
  5. Birth certificate
  6. The required averages are with respect to the Mexican scale (0 - 10). The Coordination of International Relations (CORI) will establish the equivalences of scales.

To carry out all the necessary procedures, it is important that the doctoral student arrives in the country at least one month before the school year begins. The public relations department will guide and assist in immigration procedures.

Mexican students

  1. Título de maestría y licenciatura
  2. Promedio mínimo de 8.0 (requisito para beca CONACYT)
  3. Evaluación del nivel de inglés (Toefl o IELTS)
  4. Carta compromiso de un miembro del DCA con propuesta de tesis anexa
  5. Registrarse previamente en el SINAC
  1. Solicitud de admisión debidamente llena
  2. Carta de objetivos y motivaciones (original y copia)
  3. Curriculum vitae (dos copias) con copia de documentos probatorios
  4. Dos cartas de recomendación académicas (original y copia). Pueden ser abiertas o cerradas
  5. Dos fotografías tamaño infantil
  6. Certificado final de estudios de maestría (original y dos copias)
  7. Título de maestría, del acta de examen de grado o de la constancia de trámite de grado (eventualmente se requerirá el título). Se requiere original y dos copias
  8. Constancias o certificados de otros estudios (original y dos copias)
  9. Acta de nacimiento (original y dos copias)
  10. Clave Unica de Registro de Población (CURP). Se requiere original y dos copias


Admission periods

  Application submission Present plan Program start
1st July August September
2nd November December January

Con Catalina Montelongo , secretaria de la Coordinación Académica del Departamento, cubículo A1, planta alta.


Departamento de Control Automático, CINVESTAV-IPN, Av IPN 2508, Zacatenco, Ciudad de México, 07360, México.